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Cookery Club Recipe Cards

Cookery Club Recipe Cards

20 recipe cards I use with my KS2 cookery club. All recipes tried, tested and cooked in a Baby Belling! Each recipe can be made, and cooked, within my 45 minute after-school club, so that the goodies can be taken home at the end of the session. Both sweet and savoury recipes are given, including ’ Pepperoni Pizza Puff Pastry Rollovers,’ ‘Choc-chip Chocolate Muffins,’ ‘Maids of Honour,’ ‘Easy Quichey,’ ‘Cheese Scones,’ ‘Nan’s Fantastic Biscuits,’ ‘Jammy Oat Bars,’ and ‘Blondies-not-Brownies’. I print and laminate the recipe cards, so that they are wipe-clean and then send them home with the children.